Sunday, 27 March 2011

Ouch baby, very ouch

Well as most of you have probably heard I finally went to the hospital to find that I'd broken my foot and have done some ligament damage. I opted not to seek further analysis of the ligament damage as it would have cost a lot of money so I'll just wait until back in the Uk... I have to take 12 pills a day for the next week and it's already starting to feel a bit better, I just wish I'd had these pills for Angkor Wat 3 days after it happened! I also went to the dentist, and after a consultation about my toothache we got talking about cosmetic work. Needless to say her pitch was successful so I'm now having 6 crowns done on my lower front teeth! I spent 4hrs in the chair yesterday which was a fucking pleasure. I have another 2hrs today and then some more on Friday, so I'm stuck in Bangkok until I meet the girls for Vietnam on Sunday, fun times!

I'm not usually one for religious debate, but the fat knacker in the bunk above me gets up at 4.50am every morning and rocks the entire bed for about 15 minutes. I just hope he is praying and not something altogether more fowl. The first night I stayed in this hostel was quality, I was sharing with a Geordie guy and we went out and got leathered. We decided to go to where all the Thai people go out, so we were treated like celebrities when we got there! We went to a tiny local bar first and they'd never heard what a bucket was, so me and Chris spent about 15 minutes trying to explain to them tue concept, and in the end we just made them ourselves with a half bottle of Whisky, two red bulls and a coke. On kohsarn rd this would've cost about 300bt, here it cost 90bt, result! After a couple of hours we had them all on them, and the Thais don't handle their drink so well!

So I'm stuck in Bangkok but I'm beginning to warm to the place a bit; there is far more to see when you have easy access to the sky train and metro. I've been for a proper explore and with another 6 days on my hands I'll know the place back to front by the time I leave! So I'm stuck here for the forseeable future but hopefully this praying bastaaaad will do one soon and I'll be able to get a decent nights sleep, if he doesn't then I'm going to wake him at 3am every night and shout the lords prayer in his face and then at 6am I'll get the guitar and sing kum by yah in his face. My tolerance is being tested. I'm fairly sure this is exactly how religious conflict first began.

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