Saturday, 14 May 2011

Strange Shit's a'goin down

Something out of the ordinary happened to me today, and it is something that I intend to remember. So I arrived in Kuala Lumpur yesterday, I flew at 9am from Chiang Mai and landed in KL at around midday. The next 5hrs was a bundle of joy. When I landed and got outside into the heat it reminded of me when I first landed in Singapore at the start of this trip, at which time I felt disorientated, intimidated and a bit scared. Things are very different now and it thankfully it takes a lot more than a new country to invoke any feelings of despair. The guesthouse owner had sent me the name of the bus that I needed, which I'd taken a photo of. My last blog entry was done from my phone, and as a token gesture I had tried to upload that picture of the african bloke sucking himself off. When I landed I approached some airport official to show him the bus company that I was after, and the picture that came up when I showed him my phone was the last one opened (a black guy sucking himself off), awkward.

The bus into KL took about an hour and then the fun began. This is the first ime I'd booked a hostel in advance since that first night in Singapore, as from the experience I've accumulated, it can be an absolute ball ache trying to locate a reasonably priced hostel in an alright area. I really should have invested in a lonely planet guide, oh for a map in such situations. The guesthouse owner had given me a pretty brief set of directions, and they were so brief that I thought it must be simple. I was wrong. There's nothing quite like walking around foi 3 hours in 36 degree temperatures with a huge pack on your back to crush your spirit. It was just the worst, I asked 3 seperate taxi's to just take me there after the first hour and none of them knew where it was. In Laos I bought a botle of whiskey with a king cobra in it, and that leaked in my bag during the flight so there was a lovely smell following me around too. After this utter debacle I was ready to destroy the owner once I eventualy found the hostel, but he turned out o be so nice that it was impossible to stay angry. It's nice being in a place where english is predominantly the first language.

Now you've done it tony
This hostel is full of lone travellers and one of the guys who works here cooked everyone a meal and then we all sat around drinking until 6 in the morning. There was two malaysian blokes and a couple of philipino fella's who work here, a german, a fin, a frenchy, an american and myself, The german bloke is one of the more interesting characters that i've met. He basically pretends (at least I think he pretends) to be a nazi and most of the humour is jew based, highly controversial! One of the locals was a muslim who was geting absolutely smashed. Every time he ran out of beer one of us went with him on his scooter to the 24hr place up the road. When it came my turn to go with him we drove out onto a dual carriage way and went about half a mile up the road to buy 20 cans. On the way back he opted not to take the longer option of driving up the road and coming back the other way, instead we drove the wrong way up the dual carriage way, which was big fun. Philipino Tony is 68 and was so hot that he was down to his underpants by 4am! It's the Malaysian guys birthday tonight so we're cooking a meal and having a few beers, I think I'll bring out he King Cobra whiskey to finish off..

King Cobra whiskey, mmm yummy

So today I managed to drag my ass out of bed at around midday, could have slept far longer but I was aware that it's my only full day here. I decided that I'd try and walk off the hangover and try and navigate the city by foot. For the past week or so I've been thinking about a new project that I feel could be quite credible. I was wondering down the street thinking about this and not really paying much attention to what was going on around me when someone walked past me and said "do it, it will be successful". This properly freaked me out and I wasn't sure if I'd imagined it. I looked around and there was an Indian man with about 3 teeth smiling at me. I walked up to him and asked him how the fook he knew what I was thinking. He insisted that he saw all around him and could read a persons future through their thoughts. He told me that I was on the verge of a big success but there was someone who would try to stop me. Intrigued and still slightly skeptial I asked him if he wanted to go for a coffee, which he accepted. This man was not a hobo by any means, he was dressed in religious clothing and spoke clear english (although his second language).

He continued his schpiel about my future and when I needed to act, but I think he could sense my skepicism. He pulled out some paper and wrote something down. He then asked me to put out my hand and placed the scawled up piece of paper in my hand so that I couldn't read it. He then took another piece of paper and asked me the year of my birth (1981), my favourite flower (don't have one so said my mums, Lily), my favourite animal (dog), the name of my mother (penny), the name of my first love (Joanna), a number between 1 and 10 (1) and my favourite colour (blue). We then went hrough some prety bizarre rituals that involved me tapping the paper against my forehead and saying "goodluck enter" and tapping the back of my neck and saying "bad luck leave". He then told me to open up the piece of paper which I'd been holding, and writen on there was 1981, Lily, dog, Penny, Joanna, 1 and blue. I prety much freaked out because it was nothing short of unsettling. I have no idea how this man did it, and frankly I'm not sure if I want to know! He then analysed my answers and told me that I believe in god but have no real faith (which I'd been discussing at length drunken last night, I had a massive debate about how life came to exist, which naturally turned into a religious who-haa).

Freak show

I was in a complete daze by this point and he began to offer me more dark information, offering to tell me which girl I should pursue, as he knew that I had a few in mind, and also who will stab me in the back in the future, but I decided not to pursue either of these options, as something's are best left alone! He told me that something very good will happen to me in June (hello Ascot races) and something even bigger in March 2012. He also gave me some weird litle red nut type thing which I'm supposed to keep on me, great. He wasn't looking for money or anything like that, he says that he is there to reassure and help people who are in doubt, and to lead people down the correct path. Fucking weird as fuck, but I'm definitely now going to puruse the project I had in mind.

Post spew
After that I walked up to the Petronas Towers, which at 488m were once the tallest buildings in the world. Shortly after I arrived there I spewed into a bush, which I can't say either way as to whether it was due to previous hours conversation or the 6am drinking finish. The city is amazing, and I wish I was staying a bit longer as I'm really enjoying the people, the food and the culture. But tomorrow I fly off to Bali to meet up with Nick for 10 days, bring it.

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